Winter is officially here, and I am at leisure to catch up on my reading. Winter is a time for me to learn much more about the writing process. I've got three books I'm studying. A Step in the Write Direction by Donna Clark Goodrich, and Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell, and Louise DeSalvo's Writing as a Way of Healing. These books came at a great time, and I study them each day.
Donna's book has a chapter on writing devotionals, and I was reading it right when I received an opportunity to submit to a book anthology of devotionals. I am applying her tips as I write. Perfect timing, God's timing.
Bell's book is written just right for my simple thinking brain. I understand all of his suggestions and ideas. There are easy exercises at the end of each chapter (I know, I hate exercises, also, but these are fun). Where was he sixteen years ago when I began my writing journey? Trying out his wings, I'm sure.
Last but not least, DeSalvo's book has been an amazing eye opener. I sensed by prayer that I needed to keep writing after my son passed away. Little did I know my need to write mirrors what DeSalvo recommends as a journey of healing. She says everyone, writers and non writers alike need to take up a pen or a paint brush or a crochet needle and express their deep hurts for an audience of one.
Thought I'd pass along these great reads. I'm certain you won't be disappointed.
Until next time . . . read and write.
Thank you for mentioning my book. I'm glad you're enjoying it. The student edition will be out in a few months--about half the size of the first one but with writing exercises all the way through. Am excited for it to go into the home school and Christian school markets.