Friday, February 19, 2016

Feature Friday Jaclyn Brod and Her Book The Descendants

I'm pleased to have as my guest on Feature Friday, Author Jaclyn Brod and we'll be featuring her debut novel, The Descendants. Please leave a comment with your email address to enter the drawing for a chance to win her e-Book The Descendants.

Jaclyn, why is The Descendants dear to your heart?  

The Descendants is dear to my heart because I wrote it during a tough time in my life, I had literally just finished it right after my grandfather passed away. It is also a story my friend had once wrote and he didn’t want to write it anymore, so he gave me permission to do what I wanted with it, I credited him in the book as well as part of the dedications.

What do you hope readers will take away from this book? 

I hope readers will value friendship in this book and kindness and compassion. And just an awesome adventure.

Is this book’s setting based on a real place? 

Not in particular, but if I did end up putting it in a place, it would probably be a futuristic England.

Is the book completely fictional? 

Yes. Everything is made up!

Would you give us the jacket blurb of your book? 

In the year 2030 a war is waged, and only one person can stop it but will she die before she saves human kind?

Is your writing journey as you envisioned it? If not, how is it different?  

Yes. Very much so! Since I was ten I told myself that by the time I turned 25 I was going to have a book contract, and I did it! I worked very hard day and night to get to where I am today!

Tell us a few things about yourself some folks may not know. 

I was born with a heart condition and I have had many surgeries throughout the past. Writing has always been my escape whenever I wasn’t feeling well or I had to have the surgeries. Thankfully I haven’t had any issues lately and I’m feeling better.

How did your writing career begin and how long did it take to publish your first book? 

 I have honestly been writing since I was ten (Not the greatest of stories) But that’s when I first started actually wanting to write, and J.K. Rowling is my biggest inspiration. It took me at least a good 13 years to get published, but I mostly self published my books.

What other writing have you done? 

Rapture, Unforeseen, and Cursed Love are the books I have out with my friend Arvira Nightbreeze, and those are self-published. They are part of a series we are working on.

Where can readers get your book?  

Anywhere books are sold!

Where can readers find you online?

Facebook: Author Jaclyn E. Brod

Instagram: Jaclyn E. Brod

Tumblr: Itsjaclynebrod

Twitter: TheWriterJaclynEBrod

The book trailer:

What parting wisdom do you wish to give those of us not book published?  

Have fun with whatever you do in life, whether it is publishing a book or becoming a singer, just have fun. If you make it big or not that shouldn’t be the one thing on your mind. Be who you are, and never try and be different.

Mini bio:

Jaclyn E. Brod is a full time writer and student, currently going to school for medical billing as a background but her true passion is writing. She has one cat named Zazzie who she loves more than anything and a fiancé who’s a cook and a gamer nerd. When Jaclyn isn’t writing she is spending time with her best friends and her best friends children whom she calls her niece and nephew. She is the author of the newly debut novel The Descendants. Much of her inspiration for her stories come from music and reading. Her biggest inspiration of all is Harry Potter.

Thank you for joining us, Jaclyn, and until next time . . . let's read and write.

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