I loved reading and writing, but hated the arithmetic part. Learning that it was important to study those basics in grade school(I must admit, I use arithmetic in every day life), I’d like to touch upon on how reading helps me with my writing.
I read books on the craft of writing, and have for 14 years. When I decided I wanted to learn how to write, I took a trip to the library. When I came back home, my stack of "How To" books on writing piled up over two feet high on my coffee table. Recently, I purchased the book SAVE THE CAT by Blake Snyder. Even though it’s about how to write a screenplay, it is excellent advice on how to write stories, also.
Another way reading helps me as a writer? I must read the age group books I am currently writing for. It helps me to see why a story works. It helps me to figure out the tone of a story and how that works. It helps me understand better the age of the main character, how she feels, thinks, and sees the world. Just in case I've forgotten.
Recently, I learned that my work-in-progress of over ten years is for ages 9-12. So what am I doing? Reading books for around that age group. It helps. You simply have to read to be a writer.
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