One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, is a must read for anyone desiring to draw closer to Christ and live fully right where you are. Ms. Voskamp writes with deepest longings few people are brave enough to share with the world. The author asks a lot of questions, many I have asked myself.
In One Thousand Gifts, the author comes to terms with a huge loss in her life. Her baby sister died when Ms. Voskamp was only four years old, and the family dynamics changed for her and the family.
An uptight and nervous worrier that began at an early age, Ms. Voskamp is challenged to write down one thousand things that are a blessing in her life. She begins to count and is amazed by the many gifts the Lord has given to her.
My favorite quote in One Thousand Gifts from Ms. Voskamp: "This act of naming grace moments, this list of God's gifts, moves beyond the shopping list variety of prayer and into the other side. The other side of prayer, the interior of His throne room, the inner walls of His powerful, love-beating heart."
Brilliant-white beautiful!
The take away for me in One Thousand Gifts, besides the deeper meaning of Jesus' sacrifice for humankind, was that even through loss of a loved one, we can continue to grow closer to Lord God and His Son.
I needed to read this book, for I struggle daily with grief over my son's death by suicide.
Ms. Voskamp writes with a literary bent and even though it's not my favorite style of writing, she did it with a simplicity I enjoyed. Her words grew on me like a fresh breeze after a hot day.
Great job, Ann Voskamp! I look forward to reading more of your books. God bless you and continue to keep the faith of Jesus Christ.
If any of you read One Thousand Gifts, please let me know and let's discuss it.
Until next time . . . let's find more books that draw us closer to Christ.